Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday Thingers!

Today's question: Have you ever used the Swap This Book function which can be found on the main page of any book (here is an example of Flirting With Forty by Jane Porter: link shown on book page, what it looks like if you click on the link)? If so, what do you think about it? If not, are there any other swap sites you utilize to exchange books once you are done? What do you do with your books if you no longer want them anymore?

I haven't looked at the Swap This Book page before, but think it is interesting. It gives you a lot of information in a small space.

I don't know much about the swap sites listed except for Bookmooch. I have been a member of BM for about a year and a half and have given and received a lot of books through them. I also belong to Paperback Swap, and do a lot of trading through them too.

If I have books that haven't moved from either site in a while I will donate them to the library, just to clear them out of my house.


Alyce said...

I didn't even know they had a book swap feature on LT.

Lenore Appelhans said...

I checked out Bookmooch once and it seemed like there were a lot of the same books. A lot of Dan Brown!

Literary Feline said...

I wasn't aware that LT had a swapping feature either. I will have to give it a look over. I don't participate in any of the big swap groups, although I sometimes do private swaps.