Friday, October 31, 2008
Shoot Him If He Runs by Stuart Woods

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Booking Through Thursday...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday Thingers!

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Fractured by Karin Slaughter

Friday, October 24, 2008
Monique and the Mango Rains giveaway

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron

Order Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tuesday Thingers!

I love series! I think they are a great way to get more of a favorite character, but I wish more authors would end their series instead of using gimmicky things to try and make their tired characters interesting.
Most of the series that I read are mysteries. Some of my favorite series are the Prey series by John Sandford, the Stone Barrington series by Stuart Woods, the Lincoln Ryhme by Jeffery Deaver and the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. There are lots more series that I follow, but on most of them I am at least a book or two behind.
I didn't know there was a series feature in LT so I will be checking it out to see what I am missing in my favorite series.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Monique and the Mango Rains: Two Years with a Midwife in Mali by Kris Holloway

This story isn't just about a Peace Corp trip and making life better in one Malian village, it is also the story of a true and lasting friendship. The bond between Kris and Monique is evident as they share their dreams, hopes and fears with each other.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Booking Through Thursday...

Avid readers know all too well how easy it is to acquire books — it’s the letting go that’s the difficult part. … During the past 20 years, in which books have played a significant role in both my personal and professional lives, I’ve certainly had my fair share of them (and some might say several others’ shares) in my library. Many were read and saved for posterity, others eventually, but still reluctantly, sent back out into the world.
But there is also a category of titles that I’ve clung to for years, as they survived numerous purges, frequent library donations and countless changes of residence. I’ve yet to read them, but am absolutely certain I will. And should. When, I’m not sure, as I’m constantly distracted by the recent, just published and soon to be published works.
Some of these books came from FOL sales. They looked interesting and were cheap. Others were books I couldn't wait to read, but by the time they got to me other books stole my attention away. If I never bought another book (yeah right!) I figure that I have about 8 years of reading in my house right now. I am trying hard to be choosier about which books are must haves, but sometimes its hard!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday Thingers!
I do participate and I love the program! I have received approximately 6 books and have generally liked all of them. Actually, I can't think of one that I haven't liked. One of my favorites from the program is Takeover by Lisa Black. Another one that I haven't read yet, it was slow getting to me, that I am really excited about is Monique and the Mango Rains
Friday, October 10, 2008
After the Fire: A True Story of Friendship and Survival by Robin Gaby Fisher

This is a quick read, but it is very powerful! I was instantly drawn into Shawn and Alvaro's story. Some might find the description of the burn treatment a bit much, but I thought the detail was necessary. It wasn't overly graphic, but was honest in showing the amount of pain the boys went through on a daily basis.
My only complaint with the book is that the ending seemed to be a little abrupt. The story focuses mostly on the burn treatment and rehabilitation with less attention being paid to how Shawn and Alvaro get along in their daily lives now. Maybe this isn't as exciting of a story lines, but it seemed to warrant a little more attention then it received.
Shawn and Alvaro's strength of character is wonderful and uplifting. The support they received from each other and their friends and family made their amazing recoveries possible. Although their lives haven't gone back to exactly what they were before the fire I think both young men learned valuable lessons about what they can achieve. 4 stars
Order After the Fire
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday Thingers!
I primarily use the recently added feature when I add books from BM. Otherwise I really only add books when I have read them if they aren't already in my library. When I'm adding books I do like the ease of adding tags, stars and a review all in one place. I also think it's interesting to see how many other people have the book in their libraries.
My last 5 additions are: The Space Between Before and After, Her Last Death, Firefly Lane, Absolute Fear and Honeymoon with my Brother.
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Space Between Before and After by Jean Reynolds Page

Conner's situation is worsening, and as if that's not enough, Holli notices signs of serious decline in the beloved Texas grandmother who raised her. She has no choice but to leave the comfort zone of life in New York and return to her hometown in Texas to care for the people she loves.
In the tight space between these two generations, Holli initially feels lost. The journey back stirs so many unresolved hurts from her childhood. But something else happens in this uneasy homecoming. Comfort arrives in the ethereal presence of the mother long lost to her, and Holli is surprised to find that as she struggles to help her son and grandmother, the wounds of her own past begin to heal.
The space between before and after--easily the most challenging place she has ever known--begins to reveal an unanticipated hope for what the future might hold.
This book is filled with layers, and as you read, the layers slowly peel back to reveal a wonderfully crafted family story.
Each of the chapters is told from a different character's point of view. I love this because you really get to see the whole story, not just one characters take on it.
Holli, the main character, tells her story from an adult point of view and Hollyanne, her childhood self, tells her story as she is growing up. This was a wonderful way to bring the past into the present story, as it played such an important role. Also, Hollyanne's chapters were so vividly written I found my heart breaking for her.
Jean Reynolds Page has also introduced an innovative new idea by providing a soundtrack for The Space Between Before and After. She has put together songs that either reflected, or helped shape, the characters in the book. You can read about Page's reasons for each of the songs here and can even purchase the entire soundtrack.
I love the soundtrack and enjoyed the additional insights into the characters. Music plays such an important part in people's lives that it is only fitting that characters have "their" songs too! 4 stars
Order The Space Between Before and After
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Booking Through Thursday...

Like, for movies–I can acknowledge that Citizen Kane is a tour de force and is all sorts of wonderful, cinematically speaking, but . . . I just don’t like it. I find it impressive and quite an accomplishment, but it’s not my cup of tea.So . . . what book (or books) is your Citizen Kane?
The only thing that I can think of recently is On Chesil Beach. This was the first book I read by Ian McEwan and it just didn't do anything for me at all. I wouldn't have finished it if it wasn't so short....I have heard wonderful things about his writing and think maybe his style just doens't work for me.
I'm sure there must be more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. I have liked most of what I have read lately and that's a good thing!