Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday Thingers!

Today's Question: Have you ever added a quote to the quotation field in common knowledge? What's a quote you particularly like from a book, one that you know by heart?

No, I haven't. I guess I didn't even really know there was a place to add favorite quotes. There aren't any quotes that I know off the top of my head either. I will often find myself thinking "I should write that line down" or "I need to look up that word" but I never seem to get to it. It must be the procrastinator in me...


Lenore Appelhans said...

I so know what you mean!

Anonymous said...

I can barely remember what I need at the grocery store without a list, nevermind have any literary quotes memorized!

R. said...

I have so many quotes whirling around in my head, mostly Shakespeare and Wilde, that I find myself continuously throwing them out, like they're common knowldege. I love it when someone picks up on something obscure, like Macbeth's "I'll fight till from my bones my flesh be hack'd." Which actually isn't too obscure, but yeah, I still love it....