Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday Thingers!

Today's Tuesday Thingers question is: Why LT? Why did you choose to open and maintain an LT account? Do you/did you use other online cataloging/social networking sites, like GoodReads or Shelfari? Do you use more than one? Are they different or do they serve different purposes?

I started using LT when I signed up with BM. I loved how I could mooch a book, click a button and automatically have the book added to my library. All of my BM books get added and I will go in spurts where I will add PBS and FOL sale books. I wish my library was a little more complete, but haven't had the time for that yet. I would like to get a cue cat too, to make entering the books easier.

I am signed up on GoodReads, but have never used the site at all. I do use Shelfari because I like the look of it, but pretty much only add books once I have read them. I do tag my book with the year I read them at both sites. I like to be able to look back and see what I read, and approximately when.

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